

Rhône-Alpes > Savoie > Maurienne
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Um weitere hinzuzufügen, klicken Sie auf den grauen Cœur in der oberen rechten Ecke der Vermietungen.
Um sie zu entfernen, klicke erneut auf den Cœur desselben Ortes, der dann orange ist.


In 1 hour from Chambery and 2 hours from the international airport of Lyon, Orelle is a small mountain village of almost 400 inhabitants in the Maurienne's valley. This community preserves its rural character and its traditions.
Turning off the grey banks of the river Arc and moving long the hamlets of Orelle, you will discover stone-built houses surmounted by solids frames of larch covered with slate roof at the bluish-grey reflections.
It is strolling in the villages that you will meet cordial and spontaneous people.
In winter, 15 minutes of gondola are enough to join the skiing area of Val Thorens and of The 3 Valleys, the highest of Europe.
In summer, the hikes and the trekkings beat the time to your days and at the same time you will discover wild and splendid landscapes.
Holidays in the Alps, at natural size.

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