
Mont Saxonnex

Rhône-Alpes > Haute-Savoie > Bornes
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Mont-Saxonnex is located in the northern foothills of the "Massif des Bornes" at the base of the imposing "Massif du Bargy" and the mountain chain that extends from it (highest point Pointe Blanche 2438 m). The village overlooks the "Vallée de l'Arve" 600m below, with the horizon stretching from the Jura to "L'aiguille verte", offering the pleasure of the mountains to everyone. Included in the triangle formed by ANNECY-GENEVE-CHAMONIX, the village is close to the main routes of the "Vallée de l'Arve", the A41 and the RN 205, making for easy access to this mountain community. Stay in Mont-Saxonnex and meet a people who are attached to their village and their quality of life.

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